

First of all - Thanks everybody for the sms's and email and cards, ot was highly appreciated ;-)

And well... yeah, life goes on, the wrinkles are getting worse and the hair is getting grey - welcome to the age of 21! NOT! (borat!) Actually it's quite fun to be 21, now I can legally get drunk with margarithas in cafe Texas (yeah, yeah, i was kicked out because of my age..)
Well, that's it, it was an awesome night but i was too drunk to memorize everything (no, not that i forgot everything but you know, something in between)... and it didn't help that we had to leave at 7 am the next day (to russia!)

Picures will come if I have them.. no idea where they are!

Ciao from the 21 year old Nadine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my dear, 21 very good, look at your old man yeah, the guy is 54 and still looking great!!!
gnagnagna. Kisses