

Not robbed or raped and still alive & kicking, with a trip in a way more awesome country then I would have imagined... Russia!

Round trip from my b-day (28th of october) till the 4th of november... visited Novgorod (what? yeah, Novgorod, and no I never heard of it before, but anyway it was dark and cold), Moskou and of course St Petersburg. (all the photos are Not clickable, don't know why) some pictures to show the most fabulous sights, for more pictures see www.flickr.com/photos/fantastilineeesti

Novgorod Some place with all the holy churches


After Novgorod we went to Moskou...


This was my favorite city of the three... visited Red Square of course, which is really Red, but also some not that touristic areas...

Red Square

The famous Church

Moskou Metropole

St. Petersburg

Very beautiful city, altough it is quite western and you don't really taste the russia in it... Unfortunately the weather was aweful, but hey, we were in russia!
Of course we visited the Hermitage, although we had to stand in the queue for somewhat 1,5 hours... but it was definetely worth it!
Almost as beautiful as the Hermitage was *Peter's Summerpalace*, or in other words, the small summerhouse of the Tsar. .. this is the place where the famous amber room is located.
Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures inside of that room, but let's say that this one was quite basic:


Anonymous said...

Goedemorgen schatje,even proberen en volgens mij gaat het lukken!!!!
Mooie foto's trouwens.Wat een overdaad aan goud hebben ze daar.

Dikke kus van je Mams

Anonymous said...

hai schat,daar ben ik weer.volgens mij is een eerdere poging mislukt,ik kan hem in ieder geval niet terug vinden.Kijken of ik een ezel ben en drie keer nodig heb voor ik het begrijp.

Kus en doei Mams

Nadine said...

he ma!

Hij is wel aangekomen, maar omdat je anoniem post moet ik eerst goedkeuring geven, vandaar dat je het niet meteen zag :-) wel tof hoor een berichtje van jou op mijn blog!!!!

Veel goud he! Ah joh, is weer eens een andere manier om geld over de balk te smijten dan keer op keer drempels aanleggen, en dit ziet er dan nog mooi uit ;-)