

Wajooooo people!!

Jeetje, wat een gebagger toch weer. En maar denken "sjonge, d'r reageert ok niemand!', en ondertussen overtuigd, nee, niet overtuigd, meer dan overtuigd zijn (ja, noem maar eens een woord voor 'meer dan overtuigd', dat is zo makkelijk nog niet!) dan je instelingen wat de blog betreft goed staan. Tot die dag he, je weet, de dag, dat je denkt, goh, dat za toch niet? En dan zie je ineens dat je een of ander vakke hebt aangevinkt, waardoor niemand kan reageren zonder dat ik zeg dat dat mag. Dat is nog eens macht! Zo zie je maar weer beste mensen, at macht vervelende gevolgen kan hebben.

In ieder geval hierbij ds even excuseren enzo, iedereen dankjewel en tof dat jullie dus Wel posten, zit hier helemaal blij te zijn in de bieb!

Groeten van en voordien afwezige en vanaf nu oplettende Dien



First of all - Thanks everybody for the sms's and email and cards, ot was highly appreciated ;-)

And well... yeah, life goes on, the wrinkles are getting worse and the hair is getting grey - welcome to the age of 21! NOT! (borat!) Actually it's quite fun to be 21, now I can legally get drunk with margarithas in cafe Texas (yeah, yeah, i was kicked out because of my age..)
Well, that's it, it was an awesome night but i was too drunk to memorize everything (no, not that i forgot everything but you know, something in between)... and it didn't help that we had to leave at 7 am the next day (to russia!)

Picures will come if I have them.. no idea where they are!

Ciao from the 21 year old Nadine!

Not robbed or raped and still alive & kicking, with a trip in a way more awesome country then I would have imagined... Russia!

Round trip from my b-day (28th of october) till the 4th of november... visited Novgorod (what? yeah, Novgorod, and no I never heard of it before, but anyway it was dark and cold), Moskou and of course St Petersburg. (all the photos are Not clickable, don't know why) some pictures to show the most fabulous sights, for more pictures see www.flickr.com/photos/fantastilineeesti

Novgorod Some place with all the holy churches


After Novgorod we went to Moskou...


This was my favorite city of the three... visited Red Square of course, which is really Red, but also some not that touristic areas...

Red Square

The famous Church

Moskou Metropole

St. Petersburg

Very beautiful city, altough it is quite western and you don't really taste the russia in it... Unfortunately the weather was aweful, but hey, we were in russia!
Of course we visited the Hermitage, although we had to stand in the queue for somewhat 1,5 hours... but it was definetely worth it!
Almost as beautiful as the Hermitage was *Peter's Summerpalace*, or in other words, the small summerhouse of the Tsar. .. this is the place where the famous amber room is located.
Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures inside of that room, but let's say that this one was quite basic: